Sunday, February 7, 2010

Out with the old in with the new

I have been neglecting my duties as a blogger, but I have a good reason for it. Not just the fact that I have three kids, I babysit four days out of the week, clean someones house every Thursday, try to keep my own house from looking like a pig sty, and that I'm a cub scout leader for a pack of wild wolves. No I have something else going on that I think justifies my lack of recipe writing. The main reason for the lack of posting is that we are in the middle of "fixing" up the house to sell! This is my first experience with selling a house and there is so much involved. I am now in the process of putting everything in boxes to shove under the house so the house looks decluttered to the point of being sterile. And painting the walls, (I have to make a note that EVERY single wall in my house has some form of art work painted, colored, penciled, or penned on them and I'm talking little people level here). I am trying to get everything ready to start showing the house for next month, so until then I am cooking lots of great food and will post them when I have a chance. Tonight we are having some friends over for dinner. I am making scalloped potatoes. I will post the recipe soon because I have SERIOUS issues with people making them from a box. It shouldn't be done. Ever.
Happy cooking everyone!


Rachel Sue said...

NOOOOOOOO! You can't move! Who will Eden and Tayleigh play with!

Please don't move? Please?

Jo said...

ok, so I over cooked the potatoes and they were too dry. I just couldn't bring myself to take a picture of them so I will have to wait until I cook them again to get the picture!

Jo said...

I know I know, but they will be able to get to know Katlynn better. She only lives three doors away! And we are looking in the Grantsville area. We will have a good sized house and LOTS of land for us to invite friends over so it won't be a total loss.